Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Most pretty and beautiful girls don’t always grow up thinking they are pretty…

I remember when i was growing up i was battling with alot of insecurities about myself and always needed somebody else’s approval of what i look like, and what i should do or say and if am saying it right..i always felt like who i was, was not good enough.

I remeber most people would always be thinking ooh she is so cool and calm, but if only people knew the kind of battle that was going on inside of me..

I didnt notice that as i was growing this insecurity about myself which was often hidden grew with me…it started within my family, to my circle of friends to the relationships i had.

There was a time when i looked in the mirror one day and i hated what i saw…i didn’t like my nose, i hated my teeth. i felt fat at times TOO skinny..i didnt like my smile,

But i Praise God for he took those insecurities i had about myself and snapped me back to reality..

See when God wants to bless you, he uses what you have already have he doesnt add anything because he knew what he was doing when he created you the way he did, he doesnt make mistakes..

Look up Exodus 4:2:

Moses was afraid and insecure of how he was goin to make sure that the israelites are released out of captivity in egypt, but God asked him ,”What is that in your hand?”.

“A shepherd’s staff” moses replied:

What i want to show here is when God wants to use you for his divine purpose and will he will use what you already have that you had never even taken note of its great importance or significance towards driving to where God wants you to be.

God used my insecurities, doubts, disappointments, hurts, to bless Me and bring glory to his name.

So today i can boldly say i wear my scars with pride as a reminder of where i have been and where God has taken me from.

When we read John 20:27:

Thomas did not believe that the man standing in front of him was jesus but jesus said put your finger here, and look at my hands.put your hand into the wound in my side.dont be faithless any longer. Believe.

If it werent for the scars Thomas wouldnt have believed or even if he did it probably would have taken him a much longer time to believe

My scars are not for self pity but to give thanks and praise to God


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