Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Principles For Living

There are three principles for living…
1.       Life-Matthew 5-7
2.       Good and Evil-Genesis 2:17
3.       Sin-Ephesians 2:1-3

To live by sin is to…
·         Follow the lust of the flesh
·         Become sons and daughters of wrath who are bound by the fashion of this world
·         Live ad act according to the operation of evil spirits in their hearts

To live by Good and Evil (Right and wrong)is to…
·         Asking whether or not this will be right or wrong prior to making a decision
·         Focus on choosing good and rejecting evil
·         Varies from person to person
·         Based on Human Ethnics NOT Christianity
·         Just a form of WORLDLY RELIGION

To live by life is to…
·         What Christianity is based off of
·         A matter of life rather than good and evil
·         More than an outward standard
·         Asking the question “what does inner life say” before making ANY decisions
·         Activated by the Holy Ghost who works with in us

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