Saturday, September 1, 2012


Isaiah 41: 10 "Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."

Many times when things are not going are way we tend to stray away from God instead of accepting the fact that he has something better in mind for us. We tend to get extremely emotional and disoriented and make decisions in a state of utter disarray then to consult the person who had a plan designed for us since before conception. I myself have recently fallen victim to this humanly defect. I distanced myself from the creator and feel into a state of borderline depression over the failure of my plans. While I was worrying God was there willing to uphold his right hand there to strengthen and help me. The total state of disarray was all self-afflicted and unnecessary. We  as Christians need to  learn how to trust God's plans for us then our lives will me much easier. If we have to stop trying to weave our plans into God's design we will find that he will build a blanket of warmth and comfort we will have more hair and be an healthy weight. As believers we ought to live like we know we are victorious and walk in a victorious bliss everyday knowing that everywhere and everything we touch will be prosperous because after all our names are VICTORY . WE ALWAYS WIN!!!!!

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