Monday, March 5, 2012

My Rebirth

I wasn’t a real Christian for the 1st 18 yrs of my life. I thought I was a Christian cause I was born into “Christian” family. I thought I was a Christian because I called on the name of Jesus; yes’ the bible says that who ever calls on His name will not be forsaken, but also says those who call on His name must leave their sins behind 2 Timothy 2:19. So because I called on His name I thought I belonged to God, but I kept my sins with me, so I was fooling myself.God showed me that! He spoke to me one day saying “Nicole, if you continue down this road you will be headed down a road of perversion, greed, pride, selfishness and more. You don’t keep My Word, but you should know My Word is what will keep you! And yes, if you had died a second before Me telling you this I would have denied you entrance into My kingdom!That DEVASTATED me! It tore me apart! Apart from my worldly desire’s, selfish hopes, and dreams.But I thank God, He spoke into my heart. That 18 year old girl named Nicole had died and passed away. And a new Nicole was born! I became a born-again Christian! This time God is my close and personal parent, teaching me His will, His way, His love, and His testimonies!We must all be born-again Christians. Like it says in John 1:12-13, (paraphrasing) For those who accept Jesus, they will gain the right to become children of God, those who believe in His name (Again like in 2Tim 2:19, they must leave sin behind). People who are born, not simply by blood, your mother’s womb, or because of any man’s hope for you, but by God’s will!!!

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