Monday, March 19, 2012

A Masterpiece

Me: I am a nobody... I fail... and fail.. and fail... I am miserable... no one loves me..
God: You are a Masterpiece conceived in my heart, far more priceless than any painting in a museum.
Me: I am always in trouble.. am I really your child?
God: I'm still working on you, I'm the kind of a person who won't quit till the last brush stroke is perfect in my sight.
Me: When will you finish?
God: Don't rush me. Give me some space to work. When you're tempted to give up on yourself, don't even think about it. I love what I've started in you, and I'm going to stay on the job until I am 100% satisfied.
Me: So what will I do?
God: Work with me. You're going to love the finished product.
Phil 1: 6 - "He who began a good work in you will carry if on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus"

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